Monday, January 20, 2014

What is Classical Education and Classical Conversations?

Welcome to Lake Charles, La Classical Conversations!

We are so glad that you are here and we are so excited to share our love for this amazing God centered program along with our journey!

We are a group of families who share a passion to raise our children in the beauty and truth of the Lord. Our heart is to not only fill the buckets of our children's hearts and minds but to light a fire in their soul as well.

Education is more than just learning about the world around us, it is about discovering God in and through the world around us and then sharing it with them . Classical Conversations programs helps families in this mission by using the lost tools of learning and community.
The Lost Tools of Learning found in the classical model follows the biblical pattern in Proverbs 24:3-4 and consists of the Trivium. The "three roads" of learning or stages of learning.
Imagine a tree. A healthy tree with deep unseen roots, a thick trunk, and fruit bearing branches. It is beautiful. This is a great visual of the Classical Education. A beautiful image of the men and women we long to raise.
The long reaching roots are the Grammar Stage. This stage is the time in growing minds to soak in knowledge through memorization of the rudimentary facts of any subject. This is the foundation they will build the rest of their education on.
The thick trunk is the Dialectic Stage. This stage is the time for growing minds to grow in understanding of all the facts they collected in the Grammar Stage. Around the age of 12-14 children begin to naturally debate and question everything, if you have a child this age you know this to be true! As a parent understanding and working with their developing hearts and minds will help us to better know them and guide them in knowing Him.
The fruit bearing branches are the Rhetoric Stage. In this stage they begin to bear fruit in wisdom, every parents dream, right? Educationally and spiritually. By the end of their high school year they should be able to speak and write persuasively and eloquently about any subject.
These are the lost tools of learning that will effectively prepare our children to be confident in what they believe and in sharing their beliefs about the world through the perspective of God.
Now, bring this model together with Classical Conversations programs and it looks like this:


Grammar Stage: FOUNDATIONS

The FOUNDATIONS program meets from 9:30-12:00
9:30 New Grammar
10:00 Fine Arts
10:30 Presentations
11:00 Science
11:30 Review

Dialectic Stage: ESSENTIALS

The ESSENTIALS programs meet after lunch from 1:00-3:00
1:00 EEL Essentials of the English Language
1:45 Math
2:15 IEW Institute of Excellence in Writing

Rhetoric Stage: CHALLENGE

We do not currently have a CHALLENGE program but are in the process of opening one for next year in Sulphur.

If you are interested in knowing more about CC check out our dates for one of our upcoming information meetings.

Janurary  21, 6:00pm
Febraury 3, 6:00pm
February 20 , 6:00pm

2222 Linda Ave.
Sulphur, La. 70663

Or if you would like to actually see the campus and a CC day contact me at and schedule a time to visit our campus!



  1. Are these meetings just for parents? Or would it also be good to bring my children?

  2. Oh I see now that is was 2014! Will you be having any informational meetings soon?

  3. Hello! I would love to use the tree images for our cc of stl blog!
